March 2020

UCSC Transfer Admissions

In collaboration with a team of five undergraduate transfer students, we embarked on a mission to redesign the UCSC Transfer Admissions website. Our goal was to create a high-fidelity prototype that would later be transformed into a user-centric website. Through extensive research, interviews, usability testing, and wireframing, we identified pain-points and user needs, ultimately delivering four webpages that empowered transfer students with critical information, streamlined their application process, and alleviated stress throughout their journey to UCSC.


The UCSC Transfer Admissions website lacked a welcoming and user-friendly interface, hindering prospective and current transfer students from accessing vital information effortlessly. Our team of undergraduate transfer students faced the challenge of revamping the website to improve user experience, streamline the application process, and create a more inviting atmosphere for those seeking to join UCSC.


We embarked on a comprehensive research phase, conducting interviews, usability testing, and heuristic evaluations to identify pain-points and user needs. Armed with valuable insights, we crafted user stories and designed paper prototypes to optimize information presentation. Our design goals focused on creating an intuitive timeline, incorporating visuals, and utilizing warm language to resonate with the target audience.


Leveraging the data collected during research, we developed a high-fidelity prototype that addressed user needs and concerns. The redesigned website featured a welcoming homepage with appealing images and concise text. A user-friendly interface allowed students to track their transfer progress and find essential resources effortlessly. Testimonials and warm language fostered a deeper connection with prospective students, advisors, and parents.


The transformative UCSC Transfer Admissions website garnered positive feedback and tangible results. Prospective students found the platform more accessible and informative, leading to increased user engagement. The intuitive timeline kept students well-informed about critical dates and deadlines. Streamlined navigation empowered transfer students to access resources effortlessly, while the incorporation of visuals and warm language fostered a sense of belonging within the UCSC community.

In conclusion, our user-centric approach and meticulous design process paved the way for an enhanced transfer experience. The redesigned website not only simplified the application process but also nurtured a welcoming atmosphere, empowering countless transfer students on their path to success at UCSC.